Episode 5 – Emotional Intelligence with Clive Steeper

Clive Steeper, a Business Mentor and Leadership and Executive Coach has worked in a variety of leadership roles within fast-paced international companies, as well as the even-faster paced world of motorsport, so is no stranger to delivering performance under pressure. In the latest episode of our Podcast series, The Conscious Leader, Clive talks to Sue Stockdale about the leadership lessons he’s gained during his career and why he thinks being courageous, learning from mistakes and having trust and belief in colleagues are key leadership attributes. Addressing one of the TLC Conscious Leader Characteristics, Clive also explores the role that Emotional Intelligence plays in achieving high performance within any organisation.

01.18: What is your past experience of outstanding leadership?
02.40: How did these experiences shape how you have led teams?
04.00: What impact has experience of poor leadership had on you?
05.50: What are the top 3 leadership qualities that you have brought to a team?
07.23: How might your team see you as a leader?
08.30: How would you encourage a leader to bring a broader business perspective to a team?
10.28: What were the top qualities that you brought to a team?
13.27: How do you define Emotional Intelligence?
14.01: Have you got some examples of how you have used Emotional Intelligence effectively?
17.30: Do you have any examples on the role that emotions play, specifically within your motorsports career?
19.39: What three pieces of wisdom would you share to encourage our listeners to help improve their leadership performance?

Download our Insight on Emotional Self-Awareness to find out more about what Emotional Intelligence is, why it is important and how to develop it.

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